Assistance with Communication, Problem-solving, and Decision-making.

Most of the time, we work things out. But sometimes, we don't know how to deal with a conflict. Sometimes we avoid it but it gets in the way and sometimes it ignites and causes damage. Or sometimes we have a major decision to make and we're stuck.

These are the times a mediator can help. There are times for all of us when we need help with communication, problem solving, conflict resolution, or decision-making. This is not a sign of failure. Using mediation is taking charge of the problem. The goal is to find a solution that works for everyone involved. Our relationships are important. They deserve investment of time and effort when a problem arises that threatens them.

If you need help or have questions, give me a call or send me an email. We can talk about what mediation is, how it works, and whether it might be just the right way to deal with the problem you're facing.